Spoiler alert: This post honors Dr. Seuss’s birthday on March 2. It’s also an elaborate ploy to encourage you to stock up on Double Take. Did you think this would be about anything else?



Today is the day.

You're off to buy salsa!

You're hungry and awake!


You have food on your mind.

You have feet in your shoes.

You can steer yourself

any direction you choose.

You're on your own. And you know what you know.

But if you’re looking for salsa … just where should you go?


You'll look up and down aisles – at Hy-Vee to start.

About Tostitos you will say: "I don't want that in my cart."

With your head full of cravings and your taste buds craving heat,

You know in your heart – Double Take’s hard to beat.


And you may be at Byerly’s

Or maybe a Lunds.

When you find us, of course,

Your quest will be done.


If Kowalski’s is your pick

Our products are there.


We’re also at co-ops

and Amazon too.

You can buy us at Target

but beware – we warned you! **


And if this list is overwhelming

don't worry. Don't stew.

We have a helpful link.

We created it just for you.




** There’s no way you’re getting out of Target without spending $200 on Things You Didn’t Plan to Buy. Some truths are universal.

*** To buy Double Take. In case you've forgotten.

(Featured image: "2013 Rose Parade Theme Pasadena, California" by Prayitno Photography, Jan. 2013)